Be Still (and Silver Coffee Tables)
July 12, 2014
"Slow down" they all said.
Learn to pace. Learn to be still. Learn to stop being busy.
Plan your day, plan your breaks, don't over do it. Take care of yourself. Find your priority and threshold with looking after yourself and your chronic fatigue. Manage your bucket of energy.
I just don't know how!
Take today...
Take today...
7.30am- garagefit. A few more exercises than usual, even a bit of weights.
Breakfast in the sun with garagefit gang.
Decide to take advantage of beautiful day and having nothing planned. Nothing planned... What am I going to do with myself!?
Sand my side-of-the-road-find coffee table. (Despite protests of my arm and shoulder).
Primer coat one.
Read book.
Do load of towels.
Primer coat two.
Hang out load of towels.
Read book.
Browse online.
Chrome paint layer one.
Read book and a cup of tea.
Rearrange sun room. Move firewood.
Sweep out fireplace.
Chrome paint layer two.
Decide it's time for shower and a rest, so iron table napkins.
Stop for a little bit and read on my bed.
Super glue a couple of things that need some TLC.
Have lunch. (Yes, it is only lunch time).
Chrome paint layer three.
Read book.
Rearrange TV room.
Light fireplace.
Finish book. Place heat pack on hand to try counter act how much it has been overused today.
Bring in table to finish drying.
Clean up project mess.
Clothes off the line.
Delve into psalms.
Psalm 46:10 NIV
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Yes, that is the psalm I was reading.
Write questions on psalm 46 for ladies coffee morning this week.
Shop online.
Take pain killers for hand and shoulder, wonder why I didn't stop long enough to think of this earlier.
Read new book.
Style new table in TV room.
Eat dinner. (ie reheat dinner, as making it is seeming a bit out of the question tonight.)
Watch some TV.
Write blog post. Insert photos from the day.
"Be still, and know that I am God"