crochet baby blanket

February 01, 2015

Cross Crochet Baby Blanket
 I finally finished a crochet project! I'm pretty impressed with myself! It was helpful that I had a time limit. That is, my brother and sister in law are due to give birth in March to my first niece or nephew. So, I really needed to get on with this. It was also good to have the baby shower as a goal for giving it to them. Here are a little of the ins and outs of how to make a similar blanket. I first got the idea of this blanket from here. It's not in English, so it isn't much help.

Cross Crochet Baby Blanket

Start by picking your colours. I went with 6 colours and then a navy background. I could get about 6-7 squares out of each ball of wool. So do your calculations. I ended up making 15 squares of the teal, melon and yellow, and 10 of the blue, dark blue and purple. They were all simple granny square design. Doing 4 rows of each. I made lots of the navy squares, and I used that to edge as well.

Granny Squares- 4 rows
Join 5 to make each cross.
 Once you have a collection of squares, begin sewing them together.
Start piecing it all together.
Calculate the navy squares based on the gaps.
 Once I had sewn them together, I went around the border completely once, using the same granny square crocheting. I then edged it with a frilly v border that I found the how to here.
The finished product.
 The slow bit was sewing in all the loose ends. However, I had started to get better at doing this as I went.
Cross crochet baby blanket.
 I was so excited to discover that the nursery that this blanket is now at home in, was already decked out in the same colour scheme! Great choice by all involved!
The annoying moment when you find a square down the side of the couch.

Folded and ready to wrap.
Great for snuggling!

So, a crochet baby blanket. My secret holiday project!! Made with love by Auntie Kate (the Great!)

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  1. I started reading backward from July 2015 and I am quite enjoying your blog. I too love to craft and have only just started crocheting (usually whilst travelling in our motorhome. I would love to copy your baby blanket.



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