Holiday project part 2: the ottoman

January 07, 2015

the ottoman

So, the new year has begun and I have begun my sort-of resolutions. Well, actually, I have sort-of not begun any of them. Not that there are many, or really a whole set or anything specific. My 'resolution' for this year is to look after myself. Something I am not too great at doing. This project was another demonstration of how bad I am at doing that too!!
I just had to get it done...regardless of how rubbish I felt or whether I should have been resting or relaxing or whatever I was meant to be doing.
Anyway, it is done and I have made sure I have no intention of starting Holiday project number 3: matching throw cushions.
So here it is.... I quite like it!!
Ottoman, armchair, crochet project (unfinished), current reading material and an awesome trinket bowl made by the talented owlandbridge.

Here are some basics of how I made it...
I found this ottoman on the side of the road on the way to church. I was glad that I don't think that anyone spotted me picking it up!!

Crusty old ottoman. Cover dodgy, but underneath the structure was good.
So I picked it up and then I started to pull it apart. It wasn't too tricky with a good set of pliers.
I had picked up this cool Marimekko fabric offcuts for like $2 a piece, so the next job was figuring out how to arrange them all together.
Placing the fabric on to get an idea of how it might work.
I then needed to sew it together. I did a simple seam and then ironed it open and sewed down each side. It made it look nice and smooth/flat.

Here are the pieces 'patched' together.
Due to the foam being a bit brown and green, I needed to cover the whole thing with calico. This was easy, I draped a piece of calico over it, pinned down each side, removed and ran a seam down each side. Cut off the excess and then fitted it like a glove. I pulled it tight and stapled it on the underside.
I then repeated with the quilted fabric. This was then stapled below the middle line.
The top cover was attached.
I then sewed the piping to the spotted fabric and turned it upside down (inside out) to staple it along the ridge. Turned it back over and then stapled it down underneath.

My new ottoman!
I like it!

Now, that side table...

No...I will not get consumed by a new project...

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