Does Fibro Soothe?

April 09, 2017

I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. 

Does Fibro Soothe?

Make It, Bake It, Fake It

Now when I sit down to review a product and how it is working I want a fair and reasonable trial.

I want no variables.

I want smooth sailing and I want to be able to see exactly what is at play.

Unfortunately, life ain't like that. Especially life with a chronic illness.

So, what does that mean for my trial over the past 6 weeks of ProHealth's FibroSoothe. Well for one, there were so many variables thrown into the past month or so, that I don't feel like I have given it full justice as a test subject. (Can you see the research student rearing her analytical head?!)

During this time I started studying a subject at university, and so have been more drained than normal.

My pain levels have been all over the place, and I have been trying to make modifications to the doses of medications I am already on...always a challenge in itself.

And thirdly, the weather over here has been all over the place, the weeks of rain have definitely impacted my body.

So, with all that considered what can I tell you about FibroSoothe?

Well, to begin with, I keep hearing about the benefits of tumeric particularly in regards to inflammation. I see regular posts about turmeric lattes which I have no desire to go near due to my gag reflex with drinking random substances. So I haven't gone there. It also contains all these other ingredients including Boswellia serrata Wokvel®, Turmeric Longvida®, DL-Phenylalanine, Ginger, Devils Claw, Ashwagandha, Bromelain, Papain, and Turmeric Powder. Jump over to the FibroSoothe page to find out how each of these beauties can assist you.

I jumped at the chance to try it in tablet form. Because as we know as a chronic illness legend, you need to be able to swallow handfuls of pills in one go. One of the definite skills that come with the chronic illness life. Therefore, taking three tablets a day of FibroSoothe wasn't an issue. However, if you can't do large tablets, this product is not for you.

What did I notice...taking all the variables into account...I think it improved my sleep. I was sleeping more soundly with less random dreams/nightmares, so I feel like it definitely improved my sleep quality.

It also may have helped with the pain...not exactly sure. I did end up decreasing (after increasing) my pain medication I was on during this time. So maybe there was something there and a longer study without so many variables could have been a winner.

The only downside of these tablets is that they contain dairy. So not great for any vegans out there, as well as the plethora of people with fibro or other things that make intolerances to dairy highly common. So, due to this fact alone I will not be continuing to take the tablets. (Why do so many tablets contain dairy?? It's bad enough trying to find good dairy free dark chocolate these days, let alone needing to cross examine every tablet I take.) ProHealth do have some other dairy free products such as FibroFreedom which might be worth trying one day.

Anyway, I'd recommend giving FibroSoothe a try if you want to increase your turmeric intake, amongst other things.

Pop over to ProHealth and FibroSoothe to have a further look.

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